Kathi Pepper and Pepper's Parties

We Are Serious

About Making Your Mobile Party Sales The Best It Can Be!

Kathi Pepper has done over 2,500 parties in her 28 years of sexual health and wellness education.   Use her experience as your asset!

Our Services and Classes

Our POS is the key to taking orders, creating invoices for fast product replenishment.

Managing customers is an art as well as a skill.  Our startup canvas gives you a complete tool set to start.  You give your party presentations their own flavor using this incredibly complete setup. Use one of Kathi Pepper's recommended kits or build one for yourself.  Many, if not most, get started quickly with an introductory kit based on Kathi Pepper's best sellers.

Topics I Discuss


Products Selection

Before you create an order form and web site you need to know the best items for your shows!


More to an Order Form

Constructing a fluid, efficient order



Sounds simple, but has a significant impact on your entire party dynamics.  We'll give you a great strategy.


Getting Ready for the Show

Our checklist makes sure you're ready to go for each show


Party Flow

Managing shows takes a little practice.   We'll get you started on the right track.


Follow Up

What happens after the show is as important as what happens during the show!


Using your Web Site

Our complete guide is built into the dashboard complete with training videos.


Inventory Management

Easy pricing, restocking, access to additional discounts are all at your finger tips!

Pepper's Parties Spicy Retail!

Kathi's Peppers' Anatomy of a Party

Lunar's Guide to Spicy Products

Dr Pepper's POS Guide

Jade's Workshops & Seminars

About Me

I’m Kathi Pepper!
I Help Party Planners Build Their Business

Need Some Help On Content For Your Shows?
Making the Party Flow Right is a trademark of Kathi Pepper's shows.  Learn the key to organization, presentation, and customer care.


These are the exact tools Kathi and James Pepper have used to build their mobile party system.  You start with their experience as your asset.  You build your skills as you gain your own experience so you earn as you learn.  In the end, YOU have YOUR business in place!


If You Have Any Question,
Feel Free to Call 601-477-2005

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